Lobby Exhibit: Introducing Company Culture (Phase 1)
The branded graphics in the Pfizer lobby are educational and inspirational for guests and employees alike. The displays are unique to the Sanford site and provide exhibit panels to discuss how the plant operates. The wall explains the technical process of Pfizer, the spirit of the people, and the relationship of the company to the community and to the world. Pfizer’s story is told through artifacts, materials, large-scale imagery, and text. This begins the visual language for the rest of the facility and is a focal point of the entire visitor experience.
Innovation Space: Designing Innovative Experiences (Phase 2)
Innovation spaces are all about group collaboration, open discussion, and rapid brainstorming. Our challenge was to create a space where Pfizer employees step out of the ordinary office environment and foster “out-of-the-box” ideas. The Design Dimension, Inc, team designed custom-built white board walls and tables, a charge bar, and a whimsical ceiling element. The modular elements and floor plan allow for multiple workspaces to be created and used at once, maximizing space and efficiency.
Office Upfit: Maintaining the Brand (Phase 3)
Continuing the office branding, we added full scale murals to conference rooms and office hallways. These serve as naming conventions for the meeting spaces, and add help to inform the employees about the global aspect of the company.
Environmental Branding
Interior and Exterior Signage
Privacy Film
Feature Walls