Expanding Horizons
at Catawba Science Center
Expand your horizons – explore each planet in the solar system, visit the sun, use telescopes to see the sky through technology, live/work/play in the Mars Pod, but remember to steer clear of the black holes past Neptune!
This space exploration exhibit, positioned just outside the doors of the Planetarium, is presented through kiosks that orbit the large, central sun graphic. The bilingual exhibit shares fun facts profiling each planet, along with a scaled model to compare the size to the sun or neighboring planets. Visitors can explore the weight of gravity, test the black hole event, and understand how space is a perfect vacuum! In the Light Up the Sky station, visitors are invited to explore telescopes on Earth and in Space through the interactive Mission Control panel.
Have you ever wondered what life would be like on Mars? Using stations that explore work and play – visitors can control the Mars Rover, map out a new exploration, grow and prepare food, or repair/build/maintain the pod. The 3D-printed Martian dust walls are full of interesting details, interactives and experiences!
This exhibit is inspired by NASA's CHAPEA Mission.
Phase 1:
Phase 2:
Phase 3:
Expanding Horizons